he runs, he hides, he escapes,
runs from the situation,
hides from people,
and escapes responsibility.
Irresponsible person, shun him
He who faces problem,
he worries, he panics, he struggles,
worry about himself,
panic in the situation,
and struggling to solve the problem.
He's in need, help him.
He who faces problem,
he's blur, he's lost, he doesn't know,
blur about what's happening,
lost in the situation,
and doesn't know he's facing a problem.
He's asleep, wake him.
He who faces problem,
He who faces problem,
he knows, he tries, but failed,
knows that there's a problem,
tries to solve it,
but failed.
He's trying, teach him.
He who faces problem,
he's positive, he finds solutions, and solved,
positive towards what he's facing,
finds ways to solve the situation,
and successfully solved the problem.
He's wise, follow him.
There're many people in the world, having different kinds of attitude when they face challenges and problems, some good some bad. The best attitude when facing problems is......solve em......tat's all....don hide....
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