Its been a month since i updated my blogs. Kinda rush due to heavy workloads from the Destiny event. Follow ups to do, changes to be made, things to be confirmed......
While i can barely catch my breath, here comes another shot - enter Uni. It was just like having culture shock, without being prepared, and doing things in the very last minute. It was so last that i just accepted the offer letter online on that day of registration - 12am, while others might have accepted earlier and went to do their prep before entering Uni. Let me just say, it was the grace of God
Without Him, it wouldn't be successful. From the time 12am 26th July to 12am 27th July, i can see His guidance for me. It was just like you're walking on a path where you have no ideas what awaits you, only a thick fog in front, no light, no path. You'll feel completely clueless what to do next. Here, i felt i was walking, and stopping for the Lord to show me the way. I took the first step, and He opens another step, i took that step, waited, and He opened another step for me. Trust me, you won't like stopping in the middle of somewhere nowhere.
Well, thank God i entered this Uni, though i didn't get what i wanted, but i still can sense He's leading me. To speak the truth, everyone was amazed how i get into here, when i told them all the last minute thingy i did. But what can i say, it was the grace of God. Truly i was not worthy to Him, but again and again He showed me, guided me and lead me. Through this i only can learn to be more humble, and nothing i can boast about, its just the grace of God.
Think i've been through another level of my life, my life of growing up. Its no fun either, but this is what i came through. But what's important, its the lesson within, a lesson to remember; to be more alert, because everything is in His plans. This experience, is called 经历, not 经验....
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